Friday, December 10, 2010

I am Number Four.....

Nine Aliens have escaped.....

In this space there is a planet by the name Lorien..which you or me never have heard before.
These nine aliens were small babies when they landed on earth to hide.
They want to hide in our planet,Earth because their planet is being destroyed by some other powerfull beings from another planet.

The most interesting part about these aliens are they look like Human beings.

We have seen a lot of movies based on these alien stories.

War of the worlds
Alien Vs Predator
The terminator, were some of them  that we have seen recently. The first movie regrading the aliens was released in 1979 by the name "Aliens". Even before that there were a lot films which had characters of aliens or extraordinary figures or animals.

But now it has become a trend in movie industry to make a film about aliens or people from different planet.
This trend even attacked to Bollywood film industry as they also released a Movie by the name KRRISH which had a friendly alien's character.

In some movies which contain the stories of aliens, they portrait the characters of aliens as dangerous,with a super intelligence or with super abilities which  humans cannot even imagine to do, in some films aliens want to protect the humans, while in some films aliens want to destroy the humans.

The new movie I am going to talk about has these two types of aliens. One group of aliens who came to hide in the earth who look  like human beings are not a threat to human beings.

At the same time most of the movies we have seen are about the conflict between humans and aliens.But in this movie the conflict is between two groups of aliens. As other aliens we have seen so far,these last children of the planet Lorien also blessed with some super powers.

With the use of these powers they have to fight for their lives.Each of these children has given a number.This is common in all alien story based films, they are having an identification number or some unusual ID. But these children cannot be killed by the other groups of aliens unless they kill the children following the sequence of their numbers.

That means number one has to be killed first then the second.
Our main character is the alien child who is assigned Number four.


now, He has grown up a a handsome youngster and he is a student in one of university in America. He meets a girl who is a human being in this university and they fall in love with each other.

Now the story begins....Number ONE,Number TWO and Number THREE has been already killed.
The next turn will be Number FOUR'S.....

But he cannot give away his life...he needs to live with his new expectations and with his new life that he found on earth...

Last blog I wrote about "The Way Back" ...It is struggle for human beings to survive...
This is also a struggle to survive..but this time a alien's struggle to survive....

So...he has to fight for his life...

Will he be alive or dead???


To find out the answer we have to wait until  18th Febuary 2011.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Way Back ...


Some people prefer horror movies,some prefer comedies,some prefer Romantic movies.
But..for me ....I prefer the movies with inspirational stories,if they are based on true stories it will be better.Movies blend with real human life is my interest.

If anyone of you have the same interest...or if you too like the inspirational and  realistic movies,
on January 21st 2011,will be a big date on your calender.
"The Way Back" directed by Peter Weir will be released on 21st January 2011.
At the same time this movie will  be very exciting for the people who are the fans of Peter Weir the director of this film.
Though Peter Weir is a Six Time Academy awards nominee,"The Way Back" is the movie that he did after 8 years.

When I watch the trailer of this movie I found out that, it is arousing our curiosity to find out the whole story in this movie.Check this out and see whether "Are you getting the same feeling?"

Most of us have heard a lot of stories about brutal prison camps of the world history. We have seen in other lot of movies the inhuman activities happening in these prisons. But this film is not another film which depicts such scenes.
It is about a group of prisoners who planned and who escaped from a Siberian Gulag.This movie will bring you back to the period of 1940s where the incident has taken place. Most of the parts of the movie has been filmed in Morocco as they wanted to show us the danger and horror in the surroundings of the prison camp.

There are some scenarios that the group is going to be attacked by hungry bears,the growls of hungry animals,their big jaws opening as they want to bite every bit of flesh of these poor people will make you horrified.

These people are being starved,they can't find suitable food to eat,their blood is being sucked by thousands of mosquitoes,when they are crossing the desert they saw water which they have been hunting for days and days....they are walking ,walking and walking towards it....

I am sure as the viewer you are going to plead the god,that it will not be a mirage.

Screenplay writer is getting interacted very well with the audience through these kind of scenes he is making us involved in this journey of escape.The group who escaped hiding themselves in the bushes to avoid to be noted by the public...every moment they are hiding I was scared what if the officers from prison camp catch them...even the death will not be easy for them...

During the movie we also walk across the Himalaya...we can see the pain when their feet's touch frozen ground....and ourselves will feel the same pain.


Beside all of these..the most interesting part is the group is multinational,the way they communicate with each other is quiet interesting.One of them is a Spy,the other one is an American Engineer,another guy is a Russian mobster.You might be thinking this is an odd combination.

But it is really interesting to see how this combination has worked out for their escape,their survival and struggle.
So later on though out the  film you will enjoy this combination. The friendship, the unity and the caring for each other they building during the 4000 miles walk. You can see the nature of human relationships through this movie,you can see how they were at the beginning of the journey and what they will be at the end of the journey.

When the people belong to different status,different cultures and different situations and their strengths also different. These different strengths has been gathered and at last it became a unique strength of this group.

Director of the movie as well as,  "we" as the audience are very lucky to have talented actors and actresses such as Colin Farell,Jim Sturgess,Ed Haris and Saoirse Ronan.

At the beginning I mentioned this film is based on true story.So I am sure that you all are interested to know a bit about it.There is a book by the name "The Long walk" written by Slavomir Rawicz.

Actually, the writer has been captured by Red Army 1939 and he escaped from the prison with some other mates.So this is the base of this film.

So ...when you see this movie you will stop complaining about the life anymore...because you will always remember some people had to cross 4000 miles starving and experiencing the adversary of nature.

Hope you will not miss this movie.....